West Berkshire Carers Support Groups
Age UK Berkshire
Are you providing much needed care for a loved one, friend or family member?
Meet other carers, and know you’re not alone. Beet feelings of isolation, share ideas about managing your caring roles. Learn about other support services available locally.
No need to book, just turn up.
Meetings dates will change for public holidays.
Burghfield Common General Carers
Burghfield Village Hall 10am-12pm
3rd Monday each month
Recreation Road, Burghfield, Berkshire, RG7 3EN
Calcot General Carers
Calcot Centre 10am – 12pm
Every 2nd Monday each month
Highview, Calcot, RG31 4XD
Newbury General Carers
Riverside Community Centre 10am-12pm
Every 3rd Tuesday each month
Rosemore Gardens, Newbury RG14 2FG
Hungerford General Carers
Hungerford Library 10am-12pm
Every 4th Monday each month
Church Street, Hungerford RG17 0JG
For more information please contact Berkshire Age UK: